- Will I loose control of my transaction?
Our Goal is for you to stay in control of the file by communicating with the processor and not waste your time on the small details.
- What are the advantages for using your service?
Our service helps you to cut cost as the market fluctuates, why pay for an in house processor when business is slow.
- Will I still be able to use my own business partners such as
Title Companies and appraisers?
Absolutely, we work with the partners that you recommend.
- What lenders do you work with?
We work with your group of lenders that you are approved with, and will maintain the relationship with your contacts at the banks.
- Will you help find a home for my transaction?
If your loan doesn’t fit the guidelines of the lenders you are currently working with, we will help you find the right home for your loan.
- Do you order the credit report?
No, the credit report is one of the items that are required with your submission. However, we do order the applicable credit supplement that is needed for the transaction.
- Do you provide the borrowers with initial disclosures?
We will prepare your Good Faith Estimate and Truth-in-Lending and we will forward them to you for your review and approval. In California, the MLDS (Good Faith Estimate) must be signed by the broker or a licensed representative. If you would like us to mail those documents to your client, simply review and approve the documents, sign and fax or e-mail them back to us and we will gladly mail them to your client.
- Do you contact the borrower?
You are our client and all communications will be directly with you alone through out the loan process. We realize that the borrower is your client and we respect the fact that any communication with the borrower should be strictly between you and him.